Ian Drummond Collection

In Which the IDC Studio Team Marvels at Legion

Nine or so weeks ago, we had a busy afternoon unpacking crates:

iandrummondcollection We know what our afternoon entails… and all next week. We marvel at the legion of ECrates that just returned from a Vancouver production. We’ll X the items off our packing lists, then perform any collection maintenance as needed. Then it’s time to use our put-away powers – alas, it’s all manual, not by telekinesis.

Ian Drummond Collection Instagram Photo ecrates arriving in the studio returned from Legion

Do you see what we did there?

Now it’s all been made clear – Legion is “the Most Intricate, Intimate Superhero Story To Date.”

We’ve read that Legion is a masterpiece, and of course our minds immediately go straight to costuming and think, “How could it not be?” with Carol Case at the helm of Legion’s costume department – we had the pleasure to help her with Fargo.  As Ian always says, costuming is “How to tell a story without shouting” and we know that she is excellent in that respect.

(Here is Jean Smart in an IDC coat in Fargo)

FARGO — “Did You Do This? No, you did it!” — Episode 207 (Airs Monday, November 23, 10:00 pm e/p) Pictured: (l-r) Jean Smart as Floyd Gerhardt, Angus Sampson as Bear Gerhardt. CR: Chris Large/FX

We spied a pair of our shoes right away, in the “visually astounding” kitchen scene…

Screen Grab Legion Shoes from Ian Drummond Collection

And we spied one of our favourite little kid tees here:

And we can’t help but wonder what story those arresting colours and bold choices are going to help to tell – but we are assured it’s going to be weird and wonderful.

As our heroes Tom and Lorenzo call it:
FX’s “Legion” is the Most Meticulous Chaos You Ever Saw

We’re glad to have helped, by having some of what it took, to create that impression.  Well-done, everyone on the Legion crew!