The Studio
Ian Drummond Collection Inc. is a Toronto, Canada-based production-friendly world-class wardrobe rental studio able to provide top-to-toe costuming for cast and background performers, and will ship worldwide with accurate paperwork a quick turnaround. Ian’s 30+ years in working with vintage clothing and 20 years experience as a resource for the film industry means that the…
Kid Stuff
We also have a wide assortment of children’s items in the collection. And this has to be the sweetest and most glorious 1970s child’s polyester tee shirt that we ever did see.
Spring Has Sprung
Oh, just looking at lovely things from our rental collection because it’s Spring. Pretty sure that the first one is the kind of woman who brought vegetables in aspic to the party. [Show slideshow]
The Collection
It’s SO organized! How do you do it?” Is the compliment of many first time visitors. It has always been Ian’s goal to provide costume designers and stylists with a comfortable, clean, organized and climate controlled environment, essentially a hybrid cross between a store and a warehouse. Each aisle is individually lit and all the…
Upcoming Vintage Sales
Ian Drummond Collection Inc. is housed in a 10,000 square foot working studio open 9-5 or by appointment to industry professionals. We offer items primarily for rental to Film, Television and Theatre – but we have to let go of items that don’t work for rental stock. Ian will sometimes buy entire collections for just…